Welcome from the Training Director
Dear Prospective Intern:
Welcome to our predoctoral internship in Health Service Psychology web page! I invite you to review these pages and follow any links of interest to you. If you find that the description of the program is a good fit with your goals for your internship, I hope you will submit an application.
One of my favorite parts of managing the training program is the strong interest our staff has in training students. This program has a long tradition of training: the SCS pre-doctoral internship has been APA-accredited since 1972 and the agency has been involved in student training for over 55 years. We have a diverse and eclectic staff who are committed to the development of competent and independent professional psychologists. While our agency provides goal-directed, brief counseling, our staff operate from a variety of theoretical orientations. We are a staff who values unique and flexible perspectives and we are open to the variety of preferences and viewpoints that trainees bring with them. We are looking for applicants interested in working with students on a university campus. Applicants should also have interest in acquiring generalist training that allows for the integration of personal, career, and academic counseling, as well as the opportunity to be engaged in the supervision of practicum students and the provision of outreach presentations to the university community. Prior experience in a university or college setting is preferred, but not required.
While no major changes are planned to the internship for the coming year, we will certainly be making minor revisions based on feedback from the interns and Training Committee. If you have any questions about our program, please feel free to contact me at 612-624-3323 or [email protected]. I welcome all questions, invite you to visit if you are able, and look forward to receiving your application.
Best Wishes,
Chia-Chen Tu
The SCS training philosophy rests on the belief that each trainee comes to the internship with a unique set of strengths and challenges. Our task is to help each intern identify strengths and gain increasing competency in areas of deficiency. Training is viewed as a developmental process utilizing a variety of methods to achieve identified goals. The role of mentoring is seen as a critical variable in the development of professional psychologists. Values of life-long learning, continuous improvement, reflective clinical practice and affirmation of individual differences are inherent in our training philosophy and day-to-day practice.
In accordance with APA Ethical Standard 7, Item 7.04, the SCS training staff does not require the disclosure of many forms of personal information. In our training program, we believe that trainees can benefit, however, from sharing some forms of personal information. For example, counselors' personal reactions in the therapy room may provide valuable information about the course of therapy. SCS also values the exploration of cultural diversity through our Multicultural Case Consult and individual counseling supervision; these opportunities represent avenues where trainees and staff can exchange information about their own diverse identities with others.
Training Model
The SCS internship is an enactment of the local clinical scientist model of training (Stricker & Trierweiler, 1995; Trierweiler & Stricker, 1998). The model reflects the integration of scientific research, professional scientific practice, as well as setting-specific data in the application of scientific principles in clinical practice.
The SCS internship has three broad goals:
- A developmental sequence of training in entry-level counseling skills, with an emphasis on providing services in a university setting.
- Development of multicultural awareness and skills.
Socialization into professional psychology.
SCS uses a brief approach to counseling. Clients and counselors set mutually agreed-upon goals following the initial assessment process and work toward achieving those goals. While it is anticipated that most clients will be served in a time-limited approach, some clients may be seen over a longer period of time.
Our training philosophy emphasizes the application of scientific inquiry to clinical practice, building on existing competencies of interns, continuous improvement of the program via regularly scheduled evaluation and providing the conditions to foster ongoing professional learning.
For the first three weeks of your internship, an orientation program acquaints you with the University, related campus offices and programs, and SCS staff. A variety of presentations, workshops, social events, and other activities within SCS will help you learn about SCS and meet the staff. In particular, activities are planned with counseling staff and specific programs, such as Student Academic Success Services, Career Development Program, and the Consultation, Outreach and Diversity Programs. Since there is a great deal of information given and this is important bonding time for the intern cohort, we ask that you not request time away from orientation except under exceptional circumstances.
Direct Service
Interns are expected to schedule 18 direct service hours per week in the following areas:
Individual counseling (2 hours brief consultation+ 1 hour walk-in/consultation + 7-10 hours individual counseling /week):
SCS serves a diverse student population using a brief model of counseling. In addition to providing personal counseling, interns work with students presenting with career and academic concerns. Interns are expected to gain proficiency in psychological testing as part of the assessment process. Interns also receive training in crisis counseling and provide this service during regular hours.
Practicum supervision (4.5 hours live supervision/week or 1 hour individual supervision /week):
A major focus of the internship is the development of supervision skills. Interns supervise practicum students from the local APA-accredited counseling programs. We use a small group, live supervision format. Interns initially supervise with a senior psychologist and then take primary responsibility for practicum supervision.
Groups and workshops (2-4 hours/week):
SCS offers process groups, skill-building groups, support groups and workshops. Interns are expected to co-facilitate a minimum of two groups or workshop series per semester, eventually taking primary responsibility for both.
Outreach/Consultation (0-1 hour/week):
Through this program, interns give presentations and conduct training sessions that emphasize developmental/preventative techniques. Interns also have the opportunity to engage in digital outreach activities on SCS website. You will work with students, faculty, and/or staff in a variety of settings--campus organizations, college departments, staff offices, residence halls, and off-campus locations.
Supervision & Training
Interns receive the following supervision and training:
Individual supervision: For two hours each week, you will meet with your primary supervisor in an individual supervisory session. Doctoral-level licensed psychologists will discuss your clinical work, review recordings of your sessions, and help you further develop your interests and skills.
Supervision of supervision: Intern supervisors meet weekly with a senior supervisor to discuss models of supervision and to receive supervision on their supervision of practicum students.
Supervision of group counseling: Interns meet weekly with the Groups Coordinator for training and supervision on their group work.
Research seminar: The intern group meets bi-weekly with a staff member for assistance with dissertation or other research.
Outreach/Consultation supervision: Interns meet bi-weekly with the Director of Consultation, Outreach, and Diversity Program.
Consultation groups: The interns meet monthly for the Multicultural Case Consult to present and discuss clinical work with senior staff. Interns also have monthly Peer Consult to discuss clinical work with each other.
Topical seminars: Weekly intern seminars are arranged around a theme such as multicultural competency, professional issues, assessment, and empirically-supported treatments. Some seminars are conducted jointly with the counseling center at the University of St. Thomas. Seminars are taught by university and community mental health professionals noted for expertise in their fields.
Intern check-in: The intern group meets one hour per week with the Director of Training to check-in and discuss the internship experience.
Evaluation: At SCS, feedback and evaluation are valued as part of our commitment to continuous improvement. Our structured evaluations include the following:
- Pre and post intern self-assessment of skills
- Intern evaluation of orientation
- Intern learning contact
- Intern and supervisor written evaluations of each other for individual supervision, supervision of group counseling, supervision of practicum supervisors, outreach supervision and research seminar.
- Intern evaluation of the semesters' experience
- Brief evaluation of each seminar
- Final evaluation of internship
Copies of supervisor evaluations are sent to your academic program Director of Clinical Training at the end of Fall semester and the end of the internship.
Sample Schedule
Supervision of Individual Cases | 2.0 |
Supervision of Groups/Workshops | 1.5 |
Training Seminar | 1.5 |
Supervision of Practicum Supervisors | 1.5 |
Supervision of Outreach/Research Seminar | 1.0 |
Consultation with Practicum Supervisors | 1.0 |
Intern Check-In | 1.0 |
Consultation Group | 0.5 |
Subtotal | 10.0 |
Individual Clients | 10-14 |
Group Counseling/Workshops | 1.5-3 |
Practicum Supervision | 2-5.5 |
Consultation/Outreach | 0-1 |
Subtotal | 18.0 |
Research | 2.0 |
Committee Work, Meetings, and Administration | 2.0 |
Case Management | 4-5 |
Preparation for Supervision | 1-2 |
Preparation for Outreach | 1-2 |
Subtotal | 12.0 |
GRAND TOTAL | 40.0 |
Professional Activities
Interns are given the opportunity to participate in administrative and staff development meetings. As an intern, you may serve on any SCS standing or ad hoc committee. Standing committees include: 1) Diversity & Equity Workgroup (DEW), 2) Case Review, 3) Professional Development, 4) Student Data and Clinical Services and 5) Social Committee.
Interns are expected to participate in professional development activities including dissertation research, professional writing, and presentations at professional meetings and conferences.
Office Space
Interns work in their own private, individual offices. Each intern office is equipped with a webcam, a personal computer, a portable space heater and a portable air purifier. Group rooms contain wall-mounted video cameras as well as a webcam. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, interns are provided with telepsychology training as well as technology support from the university IT to provide telehealth.
Living in the Twin Cities
Chartered in 1851, seven years before the Minnesota territory became a state, the University of Minnesota boasts 4,500 courses on its four campuses--Twin Cities, Duluth, Morris, and Crookston. The Twin Cities campus is actually two campuses--one in Minneapolis and one in St. Paul. Enrollment at the University of Minnesota is 60,000, making it one of the largest universities in the United States. It ranks among the top 25 public and private research universities in the country.
The cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul are culturally rich in theater, with the Guthrie Theater and many professional and community theaters featuring regular performances; in dance, with the Minnesota Dance Theater and several other dance companies performing regularly; in music with the Minnesota Orchestra and St. Paul Chamber Orchestra heading the list of orchestral and chamber groups and with folk, country, jazz, and rock groups appearing regularly in the metropolitan area; and in art with the works of both local and international artists displayed at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Walker Art Center, and the Weisman Art Museum.
The Mississippi River and more than 200 picturesque lakes in the greater metropolitan area provide opportunities for swimming, sailing, canoeing, fishing, or just sunning and relaxing in the summer; and for skating, hockey, broomball, and ice fishing in the winter. On land, people can enjoy the vast park system, with its network of foot paths, cross country skiing and bicycle trails, numerous public golf courses, and open recreational areas.
The University offers assistance in finding on and off-campus housing. The Housing Office lists units available for rent and administers dormitory housing. Interns who are married or in domestic partnerships can apply for apartments in the Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative. Our local newspapers, the StarTribune and Pioneer Press also have housing listings.
Social Justice Training and Multicultural Services
Both the University of Minnesota and SCS have made a commitment to issues of diversity and social justice. Please review SCS diversity statement here.
Our multicultural counseling training is infused in several areas:
Groups and Workshops: Approximately 44% of our clients identify as ethnically diverse. In addition, we serve a significant number of gay/lesbian/bisexual clients. SCS offers affinity groups to BIPOC students and LGBTQIA+ folx. Our interns have co-facilitated affinity groups such as, Folx Like Me: A Space for Community and Connection with Queer-Identified Students, Coping, Supporting, & Healing in the Face of Anti-Asian Discrimination, Affinity Group for Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander, and BIPOC Mental Health Collective.
Multicultural Case Consultation (MCC): The MCC is a monthly meeting attended by SCS staff and trainees to address how intersectional identities of both student and counselor impact one another, and the work they do together. A structured process is used to provide feedback to the presenting counselor at each meeting, to support multiculturally informed counseling.
Committee Involvement: The Diversity and Equity Workgroup (DEW) Committee is an internal workgroup that is designed to focus on coordinating diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within Student Counseling Services. The workgroup is composed of SCS staff and interns who meet monthly to develop organization-wide diversity and inclusion changes, trainings, policies, practices, and evaluations.
Liaison with Campus Partners: SCS maintains a close liaison relationship with the Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life. We also serve international students and have active, ongoing liaison relationships with the multicultural offices such as Disability Resource Center; the Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence; and the Women's Center.
Members of our training staff have expertise in counseling students of color and gay/lesbian/bisexual clients and are available for consultation. Staff from multicultural offices also provide training and consultation to SCS.
Seminars/Conferences: SCS monthly professional development seminars and retreats often focus on multicultural counseling issues. Examples of past professional development and retreats for SCS staff and trainees include: White Supremacy Model, White Fragility, and Helping Students on the Spectrum Thrive. Also, the Minnesota APA-Accredited Internship consortium sponsors the training for all of our interns on Multicultural Counseling. Examples of past training include: Radical Healing in the Face of Racial Trauma, Working with Hmong American Clients, and Working with Trans Clients.
Cultural Connections: Staff and trainees at SCS value the importance of understanding each other, and the different cultural lenses and contexts we bring into the workplace. We hold monthly meetings to share our culture of origin, salient identities and values with each other, recognizing the connection between who we are as people and the work we do.
University Resources
As an intern at the University of Minnesota you will have a number of resources available to you. Some of these resources include:
- Library system with more than 3.5 million total volumes;
- Statistics consultation service;
- Technology consultation services;
- Office for Equity and Diversity Education and Workshops; and
- Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policies.
- SCS Due Process and Grievance Procedures (available upon request)
To apply, please supply the following information through the AAPI online service which may be accessed at www.appic.org by clicking on “AAPI online”.
- 2025-2026 AAPI
- Cover letter indicating your interest in our site
- Current vita
- All graduate transcripts
- Three letters of recommendation, preferably one from your major advisor and two from other people with direct knowledge of your supervised practicum experiences.
The application deadline for the 2025-2026 internship is 11:59pm Eastern Time Friday, November 8th, 2024. Our site number is 138211.
We use e-mail to conduct all of our internship selection correspondence. Please notify us immediately if your e-mail address changes or if you are experiencing any difficulty retrieving your e-mail.
The internship site agrees to abide by the APPIC policy that no person at this training facility will solicit, accept, or use any ranking related information from any intern applicant. SCS follows APPIC policy regarding offers and acceptance. These policies may be viewed online at www.appic.org. Additionally, any offer of employment is contingent upon the successful completion of a background check. For Covid-19 updates as well as vaccine and face covering requirements for students and employees, please review the information listed in the university Safe Campus.
The Doctoral Internship in Health Service Psychology at Student Counseling Services is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation (CoA) of the American Psychological Association (APA). Student Counseling Services is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services (IACS). For any questions related to this programs accreditation status, the APA Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation can by reached at:
Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979 / E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.apa.org/ed/accreditation
Selection Process
As a minimum qualification for entrance to the internship program, you must be enrolled in an APA-accredited counseling or clinical psychology doctoral program. Supervised practicum including a minimal 380 AAPI Intervention Hours must be completed before the application deadline.
Applicants must pass comprehensive exams by the application deadline and have the dissertation proposal approved by the ranking deadline. SCS, as a member of APPIC, participates in the Internship Matching Program. All applicants must obtain an Applicant Agreement and register for the match to be eligible for our internship site. The Applicant Agreement can be downloaded from the matching program website at www.natmatch.com/psychint/ or by contacting National Matching Service at 416-977-3431 (Toronto, Ontario, Canada).
To ensure everyone’s health and safety, we will not be conducting in-person interviews. All interviews will be conducted virtually using Zoom. Interested applicants who are invited to interview will have an opportunity to virtually meet with the Training Director, staff, and current interns.
If you have any additional questions about the selection process, you are welcome to contact the Training Director at [email protected].
Stipend & Benefits
The SCS internship appointments are full-time for 12 months. For 2025-2026, appointments will start on August 4, 2025. Internships carry a stipend of $41,200. Interns receive 15 vacation/professional development days (2 of which must be taken the last week of internship). Interns may also accrue comp time by volunteering for after-hours groups or outreach activities. Interns are able to use up to 8 days of sick time, which cannot be “banked” (unused time applied toward another time away). Sick time can be used for yourself or an immediate family member (partner, children). Sick time can be used by the hour (dentist appointment), or day (mental health or physical illness day). Information regarding Minnesota Earned Sick and Safe Time (ESST) can be found here (https://hr.umn.edu/Benefits/Vacations-and-Time/Earned-Sick-and-Safe-Time).
Interns receive health and dental benefits, and can purchase additional insurance for a spouse and dependents. Interns are not eligible for Family Medical Leave (FMLA), but are able to work with the Training Director to have absence from internship that meets APA guidelines and APPIC requirements, as well as agency and intern needs. In the event of a serious illness requiring medical attention, pregnancy (self or partner), or adoption, please talk to the Training Director as soon as possible so that a creative solution can be explored.
Given the uniqueness of the one-year appointment of the internship program, combined with requirements for a specific completed number of direct service and general working hours, every effort is made to assist interns wishing to take parental leave to still meet the requirements of the internship program without having to extend their time at Student Counseling Services (SCS); however, if this cannot be accommodated, an intern’s time at SCS may be extended to satisfy the hours requirements of the internship program. In the service of this, a specific schedule will be agreed upon between the intern, SCS staff, and University Human Resources on a case-by-case basis.
Other benefits include university holidays, research time, and access to the university library. Interns have the opportunity to submit proposals to obtain SCS financial sponsorship to attend local or regional professional conferences related to the field of psychology. Health insurance is provided through Boynton Health Service at the University of Minnesota.
Information for Prior Interns
Many former SCS interns wonder how to get the information they need to apply for licensure. Your records are housed permanently in a secure location at SCS, to ensure access to your records even if your Training Director has transitioned into a new role outside of the University. If you are in need of verification of your internship for a licensing board, please take these steps:
- Thoroughly review the state board's website for what is being asked of your Training Director or supervisor.
- Submit the form, with your portion completed, to the current Training Director, Chia-Chen Tu, Ph.D., LP at [email protected]. Even if the board specifically requests information from your supervisor and your supervisor is currently at SCS, all requests go through the Training Director.
- In your email, please state your needs and timeline, noting that in most cases, it takes at least one week to access and review your record, and provide accurate information that best reflects what the board is requesting. Also share any special requests you have, and a mailing or email address where a copy can be sent for your own personal records.
Every effort will be made to ensure accurate and timely reporting. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Chia-Chen Tu, Ph.D., LP at (612) 624-3323.
Admissions, Support, and Initial Placement Data
Please see the attached PDF for information about “Internship Program Admissions”, “Financial and Other Benefit Support”, and “Initial Post Internship Positions”.