Let's Talk

Let’s Talk provides informal virtual and in-person drop-in consultations for U of M students throughout the academic year. Counselors can listen to specific problems, provide support, help explore solutions, and give information about other resources. No appointment is necessary.

Note: Let’s Talk is not a substitute for formal counseling and does not constitute mental health treatment. This program is not designed to provide crisis support-if you are currently experiencing a mental health crisis please utilize one of these resources.

lets talk logo
Let's Talk sessions will be held virtually and in-person
getting started

3 Step Process

Spring 2025 Schedule


Carolyn Litzell (VIRTUAL ONLY 2/10/25)
11:00AM-1:00PM In person and Virtual 
105 Lind Hall

Zoom Link

Schedule Ahead

Eve Sussman 
2:00PM-4:00PM IN Person only
Law School-Wellness Room, N20A




Greg Sawyer 

10:00AM-12:00 PM  In person and Virtual 

Humphrey school room 133

Zoom Link


Siming Xie

1:00PM-3:00PM in person and hybrid 

ISSS Office 

Zoom Link 


Jake Loeffler 


Zoom Link

RecWell room 370D

Schedule Ahead



Siming Xie

10:00AM-12:00PM In Person and Hybrid 

APARC conference Room 311

Every Other Wednesday only (1/29, 2/12, 2/26, 3/12, 3/26, 4/9, 4/23, 5/7)

Zoom Link


Nina Hernandez Beithon 


Appleby Hall Room 135

Zoom link

Schedule Ahead


Chia-Chen Tu 

4:00PM-5:30PM Virtual Only 

Zoom Link



Kevin Xiong Virtual only cancelled (2/6/25)


Zoom Link


Mae Moua 

1:00PM-3:00PM Virtual Only 

Zoom Link


Chia-Chen Tu in person and Hybrid


St. Paul Student Center Room 108

Zoom Link



Sumitra Madhuri Ramachandran 

1:00PM-3:00PM Virtual Only 

Zoom Link